Hello and welcome! Thank you for taking the time to view the newsletter portion of the RENEW website. Here we are looking to create articles and opinion pieces related to the electrical industry and the IBEW as a whole that may be of interest to others. We are always on the lookout for individuals who would like to contribute to RENEW and the fostering of brotherhood within our Local, so if being a part of the newsletter conversation interests you do not hesitate to reach out to us for an opportunity to contribute.
This newsletter section is dedicated to talking about things that interest people like the apprenticeship experience, what being a newly turned out journeyman feels like, how and where to continue your learning. We will also cover subjects that are more personal in material, like work life balance, or what your family may gain from being a part of the Union. We also want to cover things pertinent to the industry such as regulations and legislation that will affect us. Moreover, we want to create a newsletter that gets the word out and dispels misinterpreted information or harmful rumors. We look forward to the opportunity to be an additional sounding board for the local and the RENEW committee as well as to increase involvement across our whole Local.
Thank you,
IBEW RENEW Committee 2024